elephant attack (not for light hearted people)
Archives for Elephant Attacks
Elephant Attack a Lion Animal Attack
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wild animal attacks,
crocodile attack elephant in River
Matriarch Elephants Protect Baby Elephant from Crocodile Attack – Duration: 6:00. by Preservation Wildlife 895,267 views; 0:48. Play next; Play now.
crocodile attack elephants at Maria River
This is a rare thing caught on tape where a group of rhinos and hippos are into a disagreement, probably a serious one, regarding territory issues. At first, a hippo representative is seen to have the rhinos step back. After a while, the opposite happens. Both the parties seem to be warning each other before they get all rough. It is imaginable how “rough” it could get if these two mighty beasts get into a fight, actually a group one!
Ataque de crocodilo a elefante, Crocodile attack the elephant, Cocodrilo atacar al elefante
Ataque de crocodilo a elefante, Crocodile attack the elephant, Cocodrilo atacar al elefante. wilson velazquez clavijo. SubscribeSubscribed …
Far Cry 4 – Animal Deathmatch
A free-for-all with all the fauna of Kyrat (eligible fauna – no fish) participating in an attempt to find the king of Kyrat, in an arena. Mighty elephant, cowardly yak, indolent alligator, predatory leopard and lowly rat, they all take their place with the rest of the ecosystem and wait for the countdown.
Even the birds are included (sometimes the predatory ones carry off pigs and monkeys).
I’ve had requests for a rematch with better conditions – I obliged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5yO9…
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Elephant kicks a buffalo in the head
What happens when a young elephant kicks a buffalo in the head? Watch this video to find out… filmed at Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
Animal fighting part 1
Welcome to super animal fighting. The only fighting arena that has no rules accept beet the everlasting crap out of your opponent !!! Enjoy the gore of …
Tyke the Elephant’s Last Day on Earth
In 1994, an elephant named Tyke gave her last circus performance. By the time the dust settled, a trainer was dead, 13 people were injured, and Tyke herself had been shot almost 100 times and killed.
Today, circuses are still abusing animals and driving them to the brink. In dozens of dangerous incidents since 2000, elephants have escaped from circuses, run through streets, crashed into buildings, attacked members of the public, and killed and injured handlers.
It’s no surprise that these animals lash out. Circuses use violence, intimidation, and extreme confinement to force elephants to perform inane tricks. These cruel training techniques are used to break elephants’ spirits when they’re only babies, and they mark the beginning of a life in which everything that is natural and important to these sensitive, intelligent animals is taken away from them.
Find out more about the circus industry’s cruel tactics and what you can do to help put an end to the abuse: http://peta.vg/19xi.
Subscribe: http://youtube.com/subscription_cente…
The website the meat industry doesn’t want you to see: http://meat.org
How to go vegan: http://features.peta.org/how-to-go-ve…
PETA Saves: http://features.peta.org/petasaves/
PETA: http://PETA.org
FAQs: http://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/
Animals Attack Humans Crazy Animal Attack Human Compilation YouTube mp4
Animals Attack Humans Crazy Animal Attack Human Compilation YouTube mp4. Animal World. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 0 …
Animals Attack Reporters On Live TV (EXPLICIT LANGUAGE)
The video above has cats, bears, ostriches, lizards, chickens, flies and elephants… And they’re all attacking local news reporters! Still not sold that you need to drop everything you’re doing and watch this video right now? Well, what if we were to tell you that there’s a panda in there, too?
There’s a panda in there, too! If you wouldn’t pay good money to be gently mauled by a panda, then there’s possibly something wrong with you.
animals being jerks ((Compilation)) Ep. 1 new!!! HD
Some animals just dont care, so much so they act like this!! Enjoy
Animals Fighting Back 2015
Animals Fighting Back 2015
Outtakes (Bloopers) – animals – stereo
…from Auntie’s Xmas tape. For more, see my channel.
Far Cry 4 – Soldier Army VS Animal Army – AI Battle
In this Far Cry 4 AI battle we see an army of Pagan Min’s soldiers fight a group of wild animals.
If you enjoyed this video, be shure to subscribe and watch my other AI battle videos 🙂
Thank you so much!
I made this video in the Far Cry 4 Map Editor.
This video does not support animal abuse of any kind, it is for entertainment purposus only.
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Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals in the World!
Representing 10 Deadly Animals That KILL the Most Humans.
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by: Alex
featuring: Spinningmerkaba
2011 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)
Now or Never
by myuu
Licensed under Creative Commons Licence Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
[FREE] The Passion HiFi – Mo’ Blues – Hip Hop Beat / Instrumental
by Free Hip Hop Beats ! ! !
Licensed under: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unpo
Wildlife Photography – Rare Wild Animals Fighting Video
Watch amazing video of wild animals fighting, some of them are violent in nature.
Far Cry 4 – 1 Elephant vs. 100 Soldiers
Far Cry 4 – 1 Elephant vs. 100 Soldiers
I played around with the map editor and created some insane battles within an arena.
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wild life Documentary | Animal Attack Planet | Wildlife Animals Fighting #2
animal fights
animal planet
documentary wildlife
wildlife animals
wild life documentary
wild life animals
wild life videos
wildlife animals fighting
wildlife animals documentary
wildlife animals attack
animal compilation attacks
animal attacks
Documentary National Geographic
documentary national geographic 2015
documentary national geographic animals
documentary national geographic history
national geographic documentary
national geographic documentary animals
animal planet full episodes
wildlife documentary
When Animal Attack Human Fuinny,Fails Compilation HD
When Animal Attack Human Fuinny,Compilation https://youtu.be/RKWq2fxWD74.
Animals Can Be Jerks – PART 2
Part 2 of animals being total jerks compilation 2013.
Animals Can Be Jerks – (PART 1): http://youtu.be/o_dVHGufx1I
Animals Can Be Jerks – (PART 3): http://youtu.be/Ro3SEB4GZx4
0:01 – Gorilla vs. Goose: http://bit.ly/1fG3te1
0:10 – 5 stations Pachu moment you refuse the Shiba Inu: http://bit.ly/1e7iBAK
0:17 – Cat Hits Guy With a Lamp (Silly Boo): http://bit.ly/17vhN3J
0:21 – One ticked off Gorilla – at the Dallas Zoo: http://bit.ly/1hKDdDB
0:25 – My ferret is a pick pocket: http://bit.ly/1cv7Zt8
0:29 – Dog attacks TV for baseball: http://bit.ly/1pA2vb5
0:38 – Crazy Cat Attacks Horse: http://bit.ly/1dx5lEx
0:40 – Fox licking window: http://bit.ly/1dx5s2S
0:54 – Bear steals dumpster from Colorado Springs restaurant: http://bit.ly/I2QBTd
1:02 – Elephant Throws Mud at a Guy: http://bit.ly/1bJyif7
1:12 – Leopard vs Cameraman: http://bit.ly/1gQFKe0
1:18 – Cat stealing socks: http://bit.ly/1fG3Vcd
1:52 – Cat and Rat Drinking Milk Together: http://bit.ly/1aX96VQ
2:00 – Chickens Steal Cat’s Food: http://bit.ly/1iffnhg
2:14 – Raccoon eating cats’ food: http://bit.ly/1aX98gn
2:20 – Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing: http://bit.ly/1bsexHh
2:36 – Turtle Orgasm: http://bit.ly/189DE4o
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Animals Sure Can Be Assholes
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