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Leopard attacks are common in India. They kill humans, crocodiles, and deer alike. A man in jeep may still die from their ferocious bite.

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March 3rd, 2015: Maddipati Sivaiah is ambushed by a leopard in his village of Molakapundla, India. Would you know what to do if you were in his shoes?

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What is it?
The leopard is one the five “Big Cats” characterized by its black rosettes along its fur. They’re notorious for their deadly hunting skills in which they use stealth and speed to their advantage, running at up to 36 mph (58 km/h) and being able to climb trees even while carrying a heavy carcass. They eat humans and other animals alike, feeding on whatever prey they can hunt and catch.

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Where are they located?
As seen here, leopards are found in abundance in sub-Saharan Africa and in fragmented populations throughout the Middle East as well as South and Southeast Asia. Attacks occur regularly in Nepal and India, such as in Mumbai. In fact, attacks on humans are so common in certain regions of India that the leopards are responsible for more human deaths than all other large carnivores combined.

How will they kill you?
Leopards are versatile and opportunistic predators with hunting methods similar to that of a lion. They kill most of their prey at night by silently stalking them then pouncing at the very last minute, aiming for their victim’s throat with a quick, swift bite where the prey ends up in a struggle for survival. Afterwards, they’ve been known to drag the bloody carcass of their recent kill up a tree to stash aside, a difficult task in which they’re capable of doing with animals up to twice their own weight. Some of the largest animals they can carry up is the antelope or the impala.

How to Survive:
Like most animals, leopards are terrified of humans and will attack only if they or their cubs feel threatened, such as a hunter in Africa or at Kruger National Park. Survival of an attack is similar to that of a wolf or lion. Use the incredible and useful defensive fetal position to protect your neck from being bit as well as any extremities from being torn off. At the same time, use whatever weapons you have to defend yourself and if you don’t have any, strike its facial area since this is the most sensitive part of the leopard’s body. Once the leopard flees, go to a hospital immediately to treat your wounds and prevent infection.

Now what do you think is worse and why? Being stung by the gympie gympie plant? Or being stung by fire ants?

Leopard attack Human in India Compilation 2015
Caught on camera: Leopard attacks forest guard