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Bullfighter’s Remorse Ends His Bloody Career (photo at 4:15). This incredible photo marks the end of Matador Torero Alvaro Munera’s career. He collapsed in remorse mid-fight when he realized he was having to prompt this otherwise gentle beast to fight. He went on to become an avid opponent of bullfights. (The look on this bull’s face says it all for me. Even grievously wounded, the bull did not attack this man.)

Torrero Munera is quoted as saying: “Suddenly, I looked at the bull. He had this innocence that all animals have in their eyes, and he looked at me with this pleading. It was like a cry for justice, deep down inside of me. I describe it as being like a prayer – because if one confesses, it is hoped, that one is forgiven. I felt like the worst shit on earth.” “Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing creatures; none show more passionate tenderness to their young when deprived of them; and, in short, I am not ashamed to profess a deep love for these quiet creatures. Alero Munera says another repentant bullfighter claims to have seen bulls weeping. READ MORE HERE:

BRITISH TAXPAYERS’ MONEY IS USED TO SUPPORT BULLFIGHTING: “Leave the bull alone! screamed a five-year-old American girl who had been taken to the bullfight by her parents. ‘Why are you hurting him? You’re so cruel!’ She stamped her feet and screamed even louder as the crowd looked at her in shock. As far as they were concerned, the girl had disturbed an artist at work. Her pleas were worthless. The matador plunged his sword into the back of Santanero’s neck and then repeated the thrust twice more. The animal bellowed in pain before falling onto his side gasping. He was finished.”

“All that remained now was the final indignity to be delivered by a man in a blue and pink suit covered in sequins. He sauntered over and sliced off Santanero’s ears and tail before holding them aloft in tribute to the crowd. “

“Such shocking brutality is, of course, well known in Spain’s bullrings. But what is not known is that our money is being used to finance this ritual slaughter. For I can reveal that the European Union is spending £30million a year to support Spanish bullfights, which this year will kill at least 40,000 bulls.”


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Spanish bull fighter suffers horrific injury as bulls horn enters beneath the chin and comes out of mouth. See the actual

There is no excuse for cruelty. Bullfighting inflicts massive suffering on the animals involved and cultural heritage is no excuse. The deck is definitely stacked against the animals. The bull is teased around the ring to make it tired by each horsemen or the men on foot and will attempt to spear the confused animal. Eventually the matador with years of experience behind him ends it’s life. Maybe you believe that the matador kills the bull instantly? Not so… The killing isn’t even neat, and with all the chances against the bull, compassionate humans like me are disgusted and sickened by such brutality.

When the bull dies they normally get a horse or something that can pull the dead bull (with a rope tied to it’s legs and to the harness of the other animal) and pull the bull away. After that I do not know what they do with the body. In Portugal the bull is killed after the fight and out of the sight of the public. A bull fighter can charge between $50,000 to $656,000 per ritual (36.000-450.000 €), depending on the arena where the execution takes place and who the bullfighter is.

533 professional bullfighters have been killed in the ring since 1700. And each year, approximately 250,000 confused “maimed, psychologically tormented, and physically debilitated bulls die in this ritualistic slaughter.”

Other than the bullfighting and insane horse wrestling festivals, Spain is gorgeous country with beautiful cities; a unique combination of landscape and history. The beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean. Spaniards tend to be very friendly people with a laid back approach to life and are an attraction in themselves. The cuisine is widely regarded to be one of the most varied that you are likely to find anywhere in the world. (NOTE: The horse wrestling festival is a 400-year-old Spanish tradition, men wrestle horses to the ground with nothing more than their bare hands in many cases).

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