“Poking a leopard”, that must be the one thing one would put in a list of the stupidest things anyone can ever do, or so. Well, ironically enough, the stupidest things are the ones done by people, right? In this video, this one brave soul is doing the task we mentioned before, with a zoo leopard. Well, it might help in making some kids laugh, but what could have happened if the leopard could once grab his finger, that he used to mock the mighty creature? People like them make such zoo animals angry, and the revenge is faced, sadly, by the zookeepers and other staffs!
[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/-G_esfq9_VQ?fs=1&hd=1″ vars=”ytid=-G_esfq9_VQ&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4792″ /]