Simon Morgan of WILDLIFE ACT was busy resting in my room at &Beyond Phinda Private Game Reserve when he heard the commotion outside..this incredibly dramatic scene unfolded. It may seem like a cruel way to die but it often a much more efficient way to kill than lions, for example, use and he was dead […]
Tag archives for Fatal Attacks
Untamed & Uncut- Running of the Bulls Disaster
See the 10 Most Shocking Animal Attacks EVER:… | Disaster strikes at the “Running of the Bulls” in Pamplona, Spain, as two friends cross over what is known as “Dead Man’s Turn.”
Guy on Motorcycle is Taken Out by a Bull ( Slow Mo )
Guy on Motorcycle is Taken Out by a Bull Guy on Motorcycle is Taken Out by a Bull Guy on Motorcycle is Taken Out by a Bull Guy on Motorcycle is Taken Out by a Bull Home My ads Allow & block ads Performance reports Optimization Help New matched content unit Now place your […]
Angry Bull Kills Bullrider
An Angry Bull kill its Bull rider
Lion Attacks and Kills Intern

This is one heart-melting news follow-up story by ABC News, about a young intern at the California Cat Haven, who got mauled and killed by a human-raised caged male lion, Couscous. The intern who was attacked and killed by the big fierce cat was indeed someone who loved to be around big cats, for years. […]
Bear Attacks Hiker to Death and Gets Killed for that

Hiking alone in an area where wild bears dominate is really a bad idea. Richard White could probably realize that. We can never know, since he is not anymore there to clarify that. Only the last few pictures taken from his camera testifies that he was too close to an almost 400+ pound grizzly, which […]
Yellowstone Mother Bear Kills Hiker: First Time in 25 Years!

Yellowstone National Park is famous for its pure wildlife. Every year hikers go there to experience that. For the first time in the last 25 years, a human being gets attacked and killed by any bear there. According to the ABC News, a couple was hiking until they encountered a mother grizzly with cubs. The […]